Match words:
1- compulsive gambler
2- constructive criticism
3- evasive answers
4- exhaustive test
5- expensive tastes
Any new language is a new life. By:Mj.Shakibi
1- compulsive gambler
2- constructive criticism
3- evasive answers
4- exhaustive test
5- expensive tastes
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
Labels: Words
There was a time when Americans thought they understood class. The upper crust vacationed in Europe and worshiped an Episcopal God. The middle class drove Ford Fairlanes, settled the San Fernando Valley and enlisted as company men. The working class belonged to the A.F.L.-C.I.O., voted Democratic and did not take cruises to the Caribbean.
Today, the country has gone a long way toward an appearance of classlessness. Americans of all sorts are awash in luxuries that would have dazzled their grandparents. Social diversity has erased many of the old markers. It has become harder to read people's status in the clothes they wear, the cars they drive, the votes they cast, the god they worship, the color of their skin. The contours of class have blurred; some say they have disappeared.
But class is still a powerful force in American life. Over the past three decades, it has come to play a greater, not lesser, role in important ways. At a time when education matters more than ever, success in school remains linked tightly to class. At a time when the country is increasingly integrated racially, the rich are isolating themselves more and more. At a time of extraordinary advances in medicine, class differences in health and lifespan are wide and appear to be widening.
And new research on mobility, the movement of families up and down the economic ladder, shows there is far less of it than economists once thought and less than most people believe. In fact, mobility, which once buoyed the working lives of Americans as it rose in the decades after World War II, has lately flattened out or possibly even declined, many researchers say.
Mobility is the promise that lies at the heart of the American dream. It is supposed to take the sting out of the widening gulf between the have-mores and the have-nots. There are poor and rich in the United States, of course, the argument goes; but as long as one can become the other, as long as there is something close to equality of opportunity, the differences between them do not add up to class barriers.
Over the next three weeks, The Times will publish a series of articles on class in America, a dimension of the national experience that tends to go unexamined, if acknowledged at all. With class now seeming more elusive than ever, the articles take stock of its influence in the lives of individuals: a lawyer who rose out of an impoverished Kentucky hollow; an unemployed metal worker in Spokane, Wash., regretting his decision to skip college; a multimillionaire in Nantucket, Mass., musing over the cachet of his 200-foot yacht.
The series does not purport to be all-inclusive or the last word on class. It offers no nifty formulas for pigeonholing people or decoding folkways and manners. Instead, it represents an inquiry into class as Americans encounter it: indistinct, ambiguous, the half-seen hand that upon closer examination holds some Americans down while giving others a boost.
The trends are broad and seemingly contradictory: the blurring of the landscape of class and the simultaneous hardening of certain class lines; the rise in standards of living while most people remain moored in their relative places.
Even as mobility seems to have stagnated, the ranks of the elite are opening. Today, anyone may have a shot at becoming a United States Supreme Court justice or a C.E.O., and there are more and more self-made billionaires. Only 37 members of last year's Forbes 400, a list of the richest Americans, inherited their wealth, down from almost 200 in the mid-1980's.
So it appears that while it is easier for a few high achievers to scale the summits of wealth, for many others it has become harder to move up from one economic class to another. Americans are arguably more likely than they were 30 years ago to end up in the class into which they were born.
A paradox lies at the heart of this new American meritocracy. Merit has replaced the old system of inherited privilege, in which parents to the manner born handed down the manor to their children. But merit, it turns out, is at least partly class-based. Parents with money, education and connections cultivate in their children the habits that the meritocracy rewards. When their children then succeed, their success is seen as earned.
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
Labels: Reading
In this program you'll be introduced to the basic principle of Dainatics .principles that in be used in help of millions of people in improve their abilities to handle their life. This program will help you to discover that Dainatics is indeed. And education in yourselves.
The forgive it started I like to set the stage for our talk. This is not motivational tape. It is no need for positive thinking here, nor is this a tape with couple of good idea is that work for me and so may work for you. I am happy to say they are no roles of regiments that you most forced of the follow every days. This tape contains information. Information which applied correctly works. It is simplifies that.
As you go through this tape please don't be worry about remembering every living better nation. It should follow into the place by the end. And you can go through this tape over and over until you have a good grasp of the material. That would probably help.
Some of us would be discussing might taking by surprise. It is something that you may find that surprise in little about. What would you are going discussing is you. For the next fifty minutes, every thing obviously is speaking about from the book Dainatics, the modern science of mental health by El Run Hundreds.
In this introduction to Dainatics. Mr. Huberds says quote. "Dainatics is an adventure. It is an exploration into human mind. That waste in header on known .half of aged back of for heads". And quote," but what exactly is Dainatics?" Well, to put in MR Huberds' own words quote "Dainatics is not psychiatry. It is not psychoanalysis. It is not psychology. It is not personal relation. It is not hypnotism. It is a science of mind". Yes, Dainatics is a science and like any other workable science be at a physics, chemistry or mathematics. Dainatics get results. predictable exact results ,just how exact ,well , think about this , when so rising in Nuton the laws in universe in late 17 century an apple fell from a tree and heady on the head . From these events nuton came to discover a law of gravity. A law which will from hundreds of years has help people predict results. By applying this law men & women of build bridges, lunch rockets and successfully reached for the stars, well, I don't know about you, but personally I would demand no less from a technology dealing with the mind. Alright let's talk about this in this moment. What exactly would a workable technology of mind consist of?
On page 10 of Dainatics El Run Huberd answered these questions. He says a technology of the mind must answer the goal of thought. In other words why do we think? What is the basic purpose behind all thinking that people do? The second thing Mr. Huberd says a technology of the mind must do is to be able to isolate the source of all of the problem relating thought. Where do unexplained fears come from, why do some people … to eat and what about unwanted thought jealousy, bridge or low soft work. A technology of the mind should be able to take tell us where these come from. Next Mr. Huberd says a mental technology must demonstrate two things.
First how dose the mind work? That’s simply enough and engine manual says of engine works. A manual of the mind should say how mind works.
Second what is the basic nature of the mind? In other words, if our mind would operating optimum capacity. What would it like? Would you be able to make better discussions? Would you be happier?
The last point is it fastening one. A workable technology of the mind says Mr. Huberd must contain the techniqs for handling any and all problems with the mind. Think about it. If you knew how an engine worked and will be educated in techniqs of engine prepare, you would be able to get your car running perfectly. The same thing should all true about your mind.
Unfortunately there has an easy to understand manual of how your mind works until Dainatics .now you may of in told "your mind is a very, very mysterious things. And never be for understood. And if you should be stupid enough to try to figure it out. well .he'll go crazy ".sorry, that is simply not true .science superstitions into the practical understanding .the mind like every thing else function on simple laws .and in exact ways .if you know the words you can saying the tones .the engineer in Nasa know there the physics, and they use it to accomplished the goal .and put a man on the moon. What Dainatics technology you can achieve your goals? What ever maybe. And now asking you why do I need to know about Dainatics .how do mind work? It is not for expert to know .good question. Think about this.
You'll find that when ever you will successful in some things .you got an education in it first .what there was skiing or typing or driving a car. You learn how to do it .before you succeed in it .well, it doesn’t make this sense before you get used to mind effetely you need a practical education in it. what will it technology ?if you had a friend one of to be top gun .computerize the step of jet fighter .without force getting an excellent education in how to fly .it think sure you could not .and so do I .
Yet practically every one goes about his or her day life using their minds to attempt to solve some final problem. A problem that would affect them , their families and their friends for years to come .people happened the pilots see the their mind .hundred of times a day ,without every having gotten of good education in how do operate that .stay in art mental computer to try to fly .
What exactly is the mind? How does this work? why does it break down ?can it be fixed or improved ?what face it ?if a pilot knew a little about flying as most people knows about their own mind ,he crash and burn .and just would be a many of friends and family members do .isn't it ?
In the carriers in the usage of drug, alcohol and sexual relationship, they crash and burn .but we all have a choice. We can wait to be crashed .and hope some one else patches of flying again .and or we can learn how our mind works, becaome and expert pilot and be on control of our mind and our life.
They wish you know the car engine works never have to stop on the road again .alright.
Let just take a look and see what's under the hood? Our hood?
Truly knowing life that be a part of flying .you must get long and you must into the training you have to rubber boards .with our kind of ..
Therefore of twenty years.
That was a Run Huberd himself. Tape to 1966. He seat in back some every type our thinking about maid people take .the discoveries of Dainatics our their results of years of intensive research .he was a prelist in well known fiction in 1930-40. and spending observing peoples from all funks of life .take me ,American indiands new york city comes up .he mingle with all of them .his goal was discovering in the middle of man was all about ?and Mr. Huberd made is first basic discovering .
"I said some where, one can isolate their come and nominated that all man .happy and become luck ….well. Become nominated existence survive .what ever else man was trying to do with his culture.. And so long .he was attempting survived."
So, we are trying to survive .and by survives, Mr. Huberd doesn't mean getting by un necessary life..prosberty , and abundance ,that is survival .we are trying to survive is the best of possible .by getting better job ,by exercising .eating write .improving on education .fining a write make but the list is a proactively for everything you do , every thing you will think ,his calculated to better to survival after all, why by cassette to get divorse.No, No, to improve your ability to survive .so we all survive in my ask .but else's new . Well, this is what is new .El run Huberd have an isolate simple date of survival, suddenly can with a question .and …. Faces each one of some time of other .trying to survive .and what is it .that make it woefully to survival as good as you like to.
It just a matter … this word it happiest a people what I think it know the case .so exactly what is it made so toffee to surviving .if Mr. Huberd could answer that question know a comment in write .well he did answer . a liver in not ,all our problems , every single one start with unconchesness .
Let's take a look what uncontuseness is? By unconchesness Mr Huberd Mean
Posted by
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Labels: Reading
1- the campus was crawling with energy students.
2- the credibility gap crashed and burned the paarty
3- the test aimed to cut him to size.
4- they owe a debt of gratutude to the dean.
5- his insincere politeness sets my teeth on the edge.
7-she has plenty of hard-luck stories to play on your sympathy.
8-this year's huge research budget is mind boggling .
9- tommy eats ice cream like it is going out of fashion.
10-she normally graces us with her presence.
11-everyday jimmy goes to the club with a new fire in his belly.
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Friday, April 20, 2007
Labels: Idioms
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Monday, April 16, 2007
Labels: Words
We all want to be happy! At least, we all say we do... yet, how much happiness can we handle? How much happiness are we willing to have in our lives before we sabotage ourselves? Let's look for a minute at some of our 'accepted programs'. One program is recognised by the thought or statement 'It's too good to be true.' Another is 'I knew this couldn't last!' or 'Something is bound to go wrong.' Another popular one 'I always...' or 'I never...' followed by some negative thought. How can we say we truly expect happiness while we have these beliefs that come to clog up the works? Something happened in my life recently which was the culmination of many prayers and affirmations. I was even heard to say that this was a dream come true. I was grateful and happy. Yet, the very next day I became ill with one of those violent headaches that I had experienced in the past. Now at first, this seemed to be unrelated to my happiness, but rather to indigestion and stress. At least that's how it seemed. Yet, when I reflected on why I had this pain, I realised that the illness was an offspring of 'my dream come true.' Was I ready for happiness? Or was I still caught up in a belief in Murphy's law that something will always go wrong. You see, there was a part of me that still believed in sacrifice, pain, and things being too good to be true... and consequently, that doubting Thomas part of me had to manifest some negative occurrence to prove it was right. After all, our ego wants to be right, so it will create occurrences to prove to you that your beliefs are indeed true. Therefore, to answer the question do we really want to be happy? the answer is usually 'yes' but we don't believe it is possible! We all have been programmed in different ways to believe happiness is fleeting or that we don't deserve it! Consequently, as soon as we start being happy, really happy, we manifest something to destroy it or at least mar the perfection of it all... because our old beliefs do not allow perfection. You've heard it 'Well, nothing's perfect.' Who says? Simply an old program. The good side of all this is that once we are aware of our limiting beliefs, we can change them. We do not have to be stuck with any old program. We have free will and can select our beliefs — with patience and persistence, we can re-program those old happiness-aborting beliefs to happiness-supporting beliefs. Start by telling yourself everyday, I am a divine being and I deserve happiness! That is a truth. The doubts are errors in perception... they are misunderstandings. We have misunderstood who we are and our purpose here. We are not — I repeat — not sinners, nor are we here to suffer and become martyrs! We are a Divine Expression of Life and can choose to experience life as a joyful, loving experience. We can be loving beings, giving and receiving love and living joyfully and harmoniously in accordance to Divine Order. And can we handle Happiness? Yes, yes a 1,000 times yes! We can be happy when we release barriers, fears, doubts, self-judgments, criticisms and beliefs in punishment. We need to change the programs we are listening to. Then we will discover that happiness has always been there — we were simply tuned in to a different frequency. You deserve happiness! You deserve unconditional love! You deserve prosperity! You deserve good health! Keep telling yourself these affirmative truths until you believe them. When the old, unwanted thoughts pop up, cancel them and choose, once again, happiness, peace, love, abundance and unlimited joy. It is your birthright. And it is now time to claim it. Happiness is yours. Simply open yourself up to receiv
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Labels: Reading
cynical eccentric egotistical imaginative indecisive picky sensible sensitive sophisticated thoughtful |
Posted by
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Labels: Words
Idioms and proverbs
1. Friend or Foe… ...H | A. tear |
2. Bow and arrow ....D | B. water |
3. Flesh and blood ...G | C. dale |
4. Head over heels ....F | D. arrow |
5. Wear and tear .....A | E. reason |
6. Hill and dale..........C | F. heels |
7. Use and abuse.......I | G. blood |
8. Body and soul ......J | H. foe |
9. Without rhyme or reason ....E | I. abuse |
10. Fire and water .........B | J. soul |
2. Idioms of comparison. Match.
1. As black as … E | A. a bee |
2. As blind as … G | B. glass |
3. As bold as … J | C. lightning |
4. As brittle as …B | D. a fox |
5. As busy as … A | E. the Ace of Spades |
6. As cunning as …D | F. a hunter |
7. As drunk as … I | G. a bat |
8. As hungry as …F | H. a razor |
9. As quick as … C | I. a lord |
10. As sharp as … H | J. brass |
3. Colours in idioms. Link the idioms to their correct meaning.
1. to have something in black and white .......F | A. to owe more than you have |
2. I blew your money .........B | B. I spent all your money wastefully |
3. to be browned off with something ....H | C. to be drunk |
4. to have green fingers .....I | D. an area of woodlands and fields around a city |
5. out of the blue .........K | E. to show fear |
6. to see pink elephants ..........C | F. to have it on paper, in writing |
7. to catch someone red-handed ...........J | G. to twist the truth in such a way that someone's feelings are spared |
8. to be in the red .........A | H. to be bored, irritated |
9. to tell a white lie ...........G | I. to be good at gardening |
10. to show the white feather .........E | J. to catch someone in the act of doing something wrong |
11. to feel blue .........L | K. suddenly, unexpectedly |
12. a green belt .......D | L. to be sad and miserable |
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Sunday, April 01, 2007
Labels: Idioms