Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Idiom Quizzes - Eyes, Ears & Nose

choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:

  • My mother was (very eager to listen) when I began to speak about my
    holiday in England.

    (a) wet behind the ears (b) in her mind`s eye (c) turning a deaf ear (d)
    all ears

  • The policeman warned the boy to (stay out of trouble) in the future.

    (a) bat an eyelash (b) pay through the nose (c) keep his nose clean (d) see
    eye to eye

  • She decided that she would try to (pretend not to hear) her brother

    (a) turn a deaf ear to (b) give an ear to (c) keep her nose out of (d) set
    eyes on

  • My father paid (too much) for his new car.

    (a) all ears (b) through the nose (c) to the eye (d) under his nose

  • It is no (concern of mine) if you go to the movie or not.

    (a) skin off my nose (b) flea in my ear (c) eyes in the back of my head (d)
    bug in my ear

  • My wife has (good taste in) Italian art.

    (a) eyes in the back of her head for (b) eyes only for (c) an eye for (d)
    set eyes on

  • I spent the morning (listening to) my friend`s problems.

    (a) making eyes at (b) seeing eye to eye with (c) playing by ear (d)
    lending an ear to

  • The girl had (a look of great happiness) when she won the music

    (a) the apple of her eye (b) stars in her eyes (c) her ear to the ground
    (d) cut off her nose to spite her face

  • The boy`s (surprise was great) when he saw the elephant at the circus.

    (a) ear was to the ground (b) eyes were bigger than his stomach (c) flea
    was in his ear (d) eyes popped out

  • The girl at the restaurant was (trying to attract) the boy at the counter.

    (a) making eyes at (b) thumbing her nose at (c) lending an ear to (d)
    turning up her nose at

  • I found my wallet right (in front of me) where I had left it.

    (a) under my nose (b) in my mind`s eye (c) to the eye (d) wet behind the

  • I asked my friend to (watch the baby carefully) when I went to the store.

    (a) pull the wool over the baby`s eyes (b) lay eyes on the baby (c) turn a
    deaf ear to the baby (d) keep an eye on the baby

  • I told my friend to (keep away from) other people`s business.

    (a) nose around (b) keep his nose out of (c) turn up his nose at (d) have
    an eye for

  • He (refused to obey) the policeman who told him not to walk across the

    (a) looked down his nose at (b) hit between the eyes (c) caught the eye of
    (d) thumbed his nose at

  • I didn`t (show any surprise) when I heard that my friend had quit his job

    (a) lead by the nose (b) keep my nose clean (c) bat an eyelash (d) believe
    my ears

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