Monday, June 19, 2006


acue (SIGNAL) noun [C]a
1 a word or action in a play or film, which is used as a signal by a performer to begin saying or doing something
2 a signal for someone to do something:
[+ to infinitive] They started washing up, so that was our cue to leave the party.
cue (cueing, cued, cued)
verb [T] (ALSO cue in)
to give someone a signal to do something:a
With a nod of his head, the drummer cued the lead singer in.
cue (STICK)noun [C]
a long thin wooden pole with a small piece of leather at one end, which is used for hitting the ball in games such as billiards or snooker
as bald as a coot UK (US as bald as a cue ball) HUMOROUS
completely bald:
When he took off his hat, we saw that he was as bald as a coot!
on cue
If something happens on cue, it happens just after someone has said or thought it would happen:
I was just wondering where Sarah was, when, right on cue, she came in.
take your cue from sb
to take notice of someone's words or behaviour so that you know what you should do:
She watched his lips carefully and took her cue from him.
take your cue from sth/sb
to be greatly influenced by something or someone:
The architects took their cue for the design of the new pub from the nearby Jacobean house, Aston Hall.
token (SYMBOL) noun [C]
a thing that you give or an action that you take which expresses your feelings or intentions, although it might have little practical effect:
As a token of our gratitude for all that you have done, we would like you to accept this small gift.
It doesn't have to be a big present - it's just a token really.
token adjective [before noun]
1 used to describe actions which although small or limited in their practical effect, have a symbolic importance:
The troops in front of us either surrendered or offered only token (= not much) resistance.
They were the only country to argue for even token recognition of the Baltic states' independence.
2 DISAPPROVING describes something which is done to prevent other people complaining, although it is not sincerely meant and has no real effect:
The truth is that they appoint no more than a token number of women to managerial jobs.
tokenism noun [U] DISAPPROVING
actions which are the result of pretending to give advantage to those groups in society who are often treated unfairly, in order to give the appearance of fairness
noun [C] (US gift certificate)
a piece of paper with a particular amount of money printed on it which can be exchanged in a shop for goods of that value:
a £20 book/gift/record token
token (DISC)noun [C]
a round metal or plastic disc which is used instead of money in some machines
book token noun [C] UK
a card worth a particular amount of money that is given as a present, and which can only be used to buy a book:
a £10 book token
gift token/voucher UK noun [C] (US gift certificate)
a card or piece of paper which can be exchanged in a shop for goods of the value that is printed on it
by the same token
used to mean that something you are about to say is also true, for the same reasons as what has just been said:
I don't think that prices will go up but, by the same token, I don't see them going down either.
slam verb -mm-
1 [I or T] to (cause to) move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise:
The wind made the door/window slam (shut).
Close the door carefully, don't slam it.
He slammed the brakes on (= used them quickly and with force) when a child ran in front of his car.
I had to stop suddenly, and the car behind slammed into the back of me.
2 [T] INFORMAL to criticize:
Although the reviewers slammed the play, the audience loved it.
slam noun [U]a sudden loud noise:
The door shut with a slam.
grand slam (WINNING EVERYTHING) noun [C usually singular]
when someone wins all of a set of important sports competitions
grand slam (CARDS) noun [C usually singular]
when someone wins all the cards in a card game, especially bridge
grand slam (BASEBALL) noun [C]
in baseball, the hitting of a home run with runners at all three bases, so that four points are scored
slam dunk noun [C]
a shot in basketball in which a player jumps up and pushes the ball down through the net
slam-dunk verb [T] (ALSO dunk)
to jump up and force a basketball down through the net in order to score
be a slam dunk MAINLY US
to be a certain winner:
Although he's a strong candidate, he's not a slam dunk.
home run noun [C] (INFORMAL homer) US
a point scored in baseball by hitting the ball so far that you have time to run all the way round the four corners of the playing field before it is returned
reckless adjective
doing something dangerous and not caring about the risks and the possible results:
He was found guilty of reckless driving.
showing a lack of care about risks or danger, and acting without thinking about the results of your actions
These punks have a reckless disregard for the law.
He pleaded innocent to reckless driving charges.
recklessly[ ]adverb
She spends her money recklessly.
recklessness [ ]noun [U]
I showed my recklessness by joining their gang.
intrude verb [I]
to go into a place or situation in which you are not wanted or not expected to be:
I didn't realise your husband was here, Dr Jones - I hope I'm not intruding.
Newspaper editors are being urged not to intrude on/into the grief of the families of missing servicemen.
intruder noun [C]
1 someone who is in a place or situation where they are not wanted:
I feel like an intruder when I visit their home.
2 someone who enters a place without permission in order to commit a crime:
Intruders had entered the house through a back window.
intrusion noun [C or U]
They complained about excessive government intrusion (= unwanted involvement) into their legitimate activities.
His phone call was a welcome intrusion into an otherwise tedious morning.
intrusive adjective
intrusive questioning
intrude [ ]verb [I]
to go into a place or be involved in a situation where you are not wanted or do not belong
Sorry to intrude, but I wanted to insure that this got to your attention.
Students who live in a dorm regard any curfew as intruding on their rights.
intruder [ ]noun [C]
someone who enters a place without permission, esp. in order to commit a crime
intrusion [ ]noun [C/U]
They complained of the unwarranted intrusion into their home by federal agents.

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