Tuesday, July 25, 2006

phrasal verbs concerning increasing and decreasing

Here is a list of some of the most common phrasal verbs concerning increasing and decreasing using the prepositions UP and DOWN. Each phrasal verb includes an explanation and example sentence.

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CategoryPrepositionPhrasal VerbExplanation NotesExample Sentence
Increasingupto put upto increase pricesThey put up the price on that model by five dollars.
Increasingupto bring upto raise childrenThey brought their children up in the countryside.
Increasingupto blow upto make something more important than it really isThey blew that issue up until it became noticed by the media.
Increasingupto go upused for increases in prices, profits and productionProduction went up at the plant by 15 percent.
Increasingupto grow upchildren getting olderMy daughter has grown up so quickly!
Increasingupto speed upused for machines increasing velocityThe car sped up and passed the slow driver.
Increasingupto hurry upto increase the speed of doing something when someone feels lateWe're going to have to hurry up if we want to finish this project on time.
Increasingupto heat upwith temperaturesIt's really heated up these past few days.
Increasingupto cheer upto become happierHe cheered up at the news of a raise.
Increasingupto liven upto make more excitingThe party livened up when he arrived.
Increasingupto turn upused with volumeCan you turn the sound up?
Increasingupto speak upto increase speaking volumeYou'll have to speak up if you want him to pay attention to you.
Increasingupto build upimprove healthHe built his strength up over a number of months.
Increasingupto pick upused when a general situation improvesThe local economy has really picked up since the new factory was built.
Decreasingdownto go downfor prices, profits and productionThe quarterly profits went down from the second to the third quarter.
Decreasingdownto come downfor prices, profits and productionComputer prices have really come down recently.
Decreasingdownto slow downused for machines and peopleHe slowed down as he approached the city limits.
Decreasingdownto calm downused when calming other peopleShe did her best to calm her child down.
Decreasingdownto turn downused with volumeTurn down that horrible music!
Decreasingdownto keep downdecrease volumePlease keep the noise down in this room!
Decreasingdownto quieten downdecrease volumeHe asked the students to quieten down.
Decreasingdownto cool downwith temperaturesIt's really cooled down these past few days.