Collocation Use with Miss, Get, Do and Make
Choose which one of the following four verbs goes with the expressions listed below
Miss Get Do Make
a goal -- miss
home -- get
homework -- do
progress -- make
an effort -- make
the shopping -- do
a chance -- miss
frightened -- get
the sack -- get
the point -- miss
money -- make
the housework -- do
someone a favor -- do
permission -- get
a flight -- miss
a mess -- make
business -- do
a surprise -- get
one's family -- miss
a mistake -- make
nothing -- do
furniture -- make
the message -- get
a lesson -- miss
one's home -- miss
a noise -- make
the washing up -- do
lost -- get
ready -- get
trouble -- make
an opportunity -- miss
the cooking -- do
a job -- get
peace -- make
an appointment -- miss
a job -- do
nowhere -- get
a change -- make
someone's help -- miss
one's best -- do
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