Thursday, May 31, 2007

focus on sounds:

American English ...

mi ddl e, pu ddle , li ttle , i t'll ("lateral plosion")
coul dn't , migh tn't , ha d n ever ("nasal plosion")
you and me, James and Clarissa

wan t t o go (or 'wanna go'); go ing to go

(or 'gonna go' or 'genna go');

with "d": go t t o go; with "t": like d t o, ha d t o go
shoul d have , coul d have , woul d have
shoul d not have , coul d not have , woul d not have
"I would not d o that if I were you "
" I would have ignore d th em"
"You should not have done that"
plen t y, twen t y, seven t y-seven (but not "anti-")
ro tte n, co tto n, go tte n, ho t a nd dirty (glottal stop replaces 't')

"I found th e m with s o me oth e rs a t a

bar not far fr o m th e hotel."

" Where are theirs?"

" They're there ."

"No, they're not"

"Well that's where they were ."

"In the midd le of a litt le l ake"
situa tion , ac tion , na tion , ra tion al, shen anigans
r ain, a rr ange, pape r

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