Monday, July 30, 2007

Noun Clause Practice Quiz

Clause Practice
1. I had an accident and took my car to the garage. Mya
husband asked me where ________.

a. is my car
b. my car was
c. my car is
d. was my car
e. is your car?

2. The old lady next door must have a lot of cats. I don't know how many _______________.

a. cats does she have
b. does she has cats
c. she has cats
d. cats she has
e. cats has she

3. Do you know ____________ from the earth? I have no idea.

a. how far the moon is
b. how far is the moon
c. how the moon is far
d. if how far the moon is
e. whether how is the moon far

4. Your brother is playing his music too loud. I can't hear what ____________ .

a. is saying your brother
b. that your brother is saying
c. is saying your brother
d. your brother is saying
e. your brother says

5. When I left home, my uncle gave me some advice. He said __________ give up.

a. I shouldn't
b. that shouldn't
c. don't
d. that I don't
e. no

6. Jill didn't want to go to the car show. Her husband insisted that ___________ with him.

a. she come
b. she came
c. she had come
d. she comes
e. she has come

7. My boss wants this report immediately. He demanded that it ______________ ready by 5:00.

a. is
b. will be
c. be
d. was
e. should be

8. Did he tell you where __________ the report when you finish?

a. should you put
b. you to put
c. you put
d. to put
e. will you put

9. My friend predicted _____________ receive a lot praise for my work.

a. that I would
b. that I
c. what would I
d. what I
e. me to

10. My friend saw an accident. He told me ____________ at the scene of the accident.

a. if he'd seen
b. what he saw
c. what he'd seen
d. whether he saw
e. that he'd seen

11. Is it true all of the computers will shut down in the year 2,000? _______ is unbelievable!

a. That all the computers could shut down
b. All computers could shut down
c. Due to the fact that all computers could shut down
d. It is that all computers could shut down
e. Shutting down of all computers

12. Can you tell me how to fix my computer? That depends on ____________ an old computer.
a. have you
b. whether you have
c. that have you
d. if have you
e. about your having

13. Is it true __________ people are saying about

a. that what
b. that
c. if
d. whether or not
e. what

14. _______________ an old "date" chip is important.

a. A computer has
b. Does a computer
c. If a computer have
d. Whether or not a computer has
e. Has a computer

15. What are you going to do with your old computer? Nothing! _________ is too expensive.

a. That I want to do
b. What I want to do
c. That what I want to do
d. What do I want to do
e. If what I want to do

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