Wednesday, June 03, 2009

spire [countable]
a roof that rises steeply to a point on top of a tower, especially on a church [↪ steeple]

Mountains spires
stee‧ple [countable]
a tall pointed tower on the roof of a church
bel‧fry plural belfries [countable]
a tower for a bell, especially on a church belfry tower panorama.
belfry on cathedral Square
min‧a‧ret [countable]a tall thin tower on a mosque, from which Muslims are called to prayer

places where people worship God:

church :(Christians)
temple (Buddhists and Hindus)
mosque (Muslims)
synagogue (Jews)

treated with great respect because of being connected with God: holy, sacred
having strong beliefs in God: devout, pious
someone who does not believe in God : atheist
someone who is not sure if God exists: agnosticgod

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