Saturday, December 25, 2004

Reaching out

There are often many people who touch our lives from one time or another, and actually that feeling of loneliness is enough in itself to make a person change everything about themselves .in some case , change their personality completely. When constantly circling the globe it is hard to find an inner peace or even someone to talk to , to relieve any anxiety of being alone . you could possibly spend endless nights on end drinking up at many varieties of bars. Until one day you meet someone by accident and everything that you know to be moral and decent , right or wrong , suddenly does not event matter anymore.
Is this when reality sets in? not necessarily. Sometimes the pain of reality takes us on a journey towards oblivion . this can make a person go crazy . forget all those Doctors who charge an arm and leg for their services. Assistance can be a step away . the key is to search within yourself and look for what you desire or even hope for.
When we are faced with life's troubles are destined to handle it by ourselves? Is there no one we can turn to ?is there more than one person we can rely on to help us handle our troubles?
Who decides what is right or wrong or moral ?ask yourself this question. What would help you get trough the daily wind and grind to help your sanity ? ponder on this awhile…… are the consequences of indiscretion worth your soul ? if you answer no. you are probably right.
On the other hand , if you say yes , does that make you a bad person ? what if is their is something lacking and needs to get assessed? What do you do? Who do you turn to ? picture this incandescent lighting , a cool breeze and your mind at ease. Isn’t worth it to feel this war always ? so calm , so serene , so tranquil like waves in ocean.
Feeling this way can no way change the person you are right now . consider this : if you want to seek and challenge yourself taking in consideration that No matter the consequence you want to hold on to that feeling for as ling as possible , no matter how short the time spent with that person. What matters at this point at is what is going on at the present time .
Some days are harder to get through d others fill us with euphoria . is this reality view it from another's eyes.
Who decides what is best for us? When is it enough , to be satisfied with life has handed you ?


Anonymous said...


MJ SHAKIBI said...

i couln't find this letters .