Saturday, February 05, 2005


noun Spoken: 1000 • Written: 2000
1 SHORT LETTER [C] a short informal letter:
• I was going to write Keisha a note, but I decided to call her instead.
• Mom left a note on the counter telling us she'd gone to the store.
• The kids are old enough now to write their own thank-you notes (= a note to thank someone for a present etc.).
2 TO REMIND YOU [C] something that you write down to remind you of something:
• There were notes on little yellow Post-Its stuck all over the report.
• Marina spoke without using any notes.
• Tina made a note of their new address.

a) a particular musical sound or PITCH:
• high/low note: Her singing, including lots of difficult high notes, was strong and beautiful.b) a sign in written music that represents this
4 notes [plural] information that a student writes down during a class, from a book etc., so they will remember it:
• Can I borrow your lecture notes?
• I read the first three chapters and took notes (= wrote notes).

5 VOICE [singular] if there is a particular note in someone's voice, they show what they are thinking or feeling by the way their voice sounds:
• There was a strained note in Fischer's normally relaxed voice. [+ of]:
• "Can you help me?" she asked, a note of hope in her voice.

6 PARTICULAR QUALITY [singular] something that adds a particular quality to a situation, statement, or event:
• She ended her speech on a personal note, telling how the war had affected her family. [+ of]:• Councilman Buschman brought a note of realism to the debate.:
• strike/hit a
note: Burke struck a pessimistic note, saying the deadline may not be met.
• the right/wrong note (= an appropriate or inappropriate quality for a particular occasion)7 take note to pay careful attention to something:
• Saarela made the music world take note. [+ of]:• Take note of how much water goes through your meter in 60 seconds.8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION [C] a short piece of writing at the bottom of a page or at the end of a book, that gives more information about something written in the main part:
• Additional sources are listed in the notes at the back of the book. --see also FOOTNOTE (1)9 sb/sth of note important, interesting, or famous:
• The school has produced several architects of note.10 worthy/deserving of note important or interesting and deserving to be noticed:
• Three Latin American novels are especially worthy of note.11 GOVERNMENT LETTER [C] TECHNICAL a formal letter between governments:
• a diplomatic note12 MONEY [C] a BILL (= piece of paper money) worth a particular amount of money --see also compare notes (with sb) (COMPARE1 (4))



verb [T]
to notice or discover something, especially something that is not easy to see, hear etc.:
• Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early.
• Though the yellow tomatoes are pretty, I couldn't detect much difference in flavor.
detectable adjective

noun [C,U] FORMAL
an act of officially informing someone about something [+ of]:
• You should receive notification of the results within a week.


1 good or quick at noticing things:
• Police are trained to be observant and to remember detail.2 obeying laws, religious rules etc.:
• observant Muslims


adjective APPROVING
good at noticing and understanding what is happening or what other people are thinking or feeling:
• a perceptive observer of the political scene
• perceptive comments

perceptively adverb
perceptiveness noun [U]

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