Tuesday, February 15, 2005

word in class 18:

adjective Spoken: 1000 • Written: 1000
1 2nd; the person, thing, event etc. after the first one:
• Amy's in her second year of grad school.
• His character dies during the second act of the play.
• King's second novel became a bestseller.

2 the second-largest/second-fastest/second-best etc. the one next in rank after the largest, the fastest etc.:
• the second-largest city in the state3 a second chance/opinion/look etc. another chance, opinion etc. in addition to the usual one:
• The program for teen mothers gives them a second chance to finish high school.
• Most insurance companies ask you to get a second opinion before having major medical treatment.

4 be second only to sth to be the most important, most common, best etc. thing, except for one other particular thing:
• Breast cancer is second only to lung cancer in U.S. cancer-related deaths.
5 have second thoughts (about sth) to have doubts about a decision you have made:
• Stan was having second thoughts about marrying Julie.
6 on second thought SPOKEN used to say that you have changed your opinion or decision about something:
• On second thought, I don't think I'll wear this jacket.
7 not give sth a second thought to not think or worry about something at all:
• Most people just drive around and don't give the environment a second thought.
8 without a second thought if you do something without a second thought, you do it without worrying about it at all:
• Those people would have killed him without a second thought.
9 be second to none to be the best:
• His musical technique is second to none.
10 second home/car etc. another home, car etc. besides the one you use most of the time
11 second best something that is not as good as the best:
• We shouldn't have to settle for second best (= accept something that is not as good as the best).

12 second wind if you get your second wind, you begin to feel less tired than before, especially when playing a sport, doing physical work etc.
13 every second year/day/thing etc. the second, then the fourth, then the sixth etc. year, day, or thing:
• The committee meets every second Monday.
noun Spoken: 1000 • Written: 1000
1 [C] a unit for measuring time that is equal to 1/60 of a minute:
• Heat the sauce in the microwave for 45 seconds.
• It should only take four or five seconds to transfer the data.

2 [C] a very short period of time:
• I'll be ready in a few seconds.
• Hold still, this will only take a second.
• He should be here any second (= in a very short time).
• The whole thing was over in seconds (= after a few seconds).
• At least 30 shots were fired in a matter of seconds (= in a very short time).
--see also SPLIT SECOND
3 just a second SPOKEN used to tell someone to wait a short time:
• "Are you coming?" "Just a second - I have to put my shoes on."
4 seconds [plural]
a) another serving of the same food after you have eaten your first serving:
• Are you going back for seconds?
b) clothes or other goods that are sold cheaply in stores because they are not perfect

1 next after the first one:
• finish second/come in second: Alice finished second in the 100-meter dash.
2 [sentence adverb] used to add another piece of information to what you have already said or written; SECONDLY:
• Well, first of all, it's too expensive and second, we don't have anywhere to put it.
1 the second
a) the next thing on a list etc. after the first one:
• A third reason for rejecting the plan, closely related to the second, is the effect on the environment.
Maria's birthday is on the second (= the 2nd day of the month).
2 the Second ABBREVIATION II used after the name of a king, queen, pope etc. who has the same name as someone who held that position in the past:
• Pope John Paul the Second (= written as "Pope John Paul II")
verb [T]
1 to formally support a suggestion or plan made by another person in a meeting:
• second a motion/proposal etc.: The motion to purchase a new copier was seconded by Ms. Green.
2 I'll second that SPOKEN used to say that you completely agree with what someone has just said:
• "I could use a cold drink right now." "I'll second that!"

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