Sunday, June 05, 2005

Idioms 23:

1-sitting duck
noun [C]
someone who is easy to attack or easy to cheat:
• We were like sitting ducks for pickpockets in the city.

2- hot potato
noun plural hot potatoes [C usually singular]
a subject or problem that no one wants to deal with, because it is difficult and any decision will make people angry:
• Euthanasia for terminally ill patients is a political hot potato.

3- bark at the moon
INFORMAL to worry and complain about something that you cannot change, and that is not very important

4- go/blow the whistle on someone
INFORMAL to tell someone in authority about something wrong that is happening:
• A few honest policemen were willing to blow the whistle on the captain.

5- sail/fly under false colors
to pretend to be something that you are not

6- to follow in sombody's footsteps
to do the same job as someone else, especially a member of your family:
• My father never pressured me to follow in his footsteps, but I know he was disappointed when I dropped out of college.

7- a fair weather friend
noun [C]
someone who only wants to be your friend when you are successful

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