Sunday, June 05, 2005

vocabulary 25:

verb [I always + adv./prep.]
FORMAL to live in a particular place
reside in sth/sb phrasal verb [T not in passive] FORMAL
1 to be present in something:
• Momaday's talent resides in his storytelling abilities.2 also reside within sth/sb if a power, right etc. resides in something or someone, it belongs to them:
• Political power often resides within prominent families.

2- probe:
verb [I,T]
1 to ask questions in order to find things out, especially things that other people do not want you to know [+ into]:
• A federal grand jury will probe into the financial dealings between the two men. [probe sth]:• Investigators are probing the causes of the train wreck.
2 to put a long thin instrument into something, in order to examine it or to try to find something:
• I'm tired of the doctors poking and probing me with needles and tubes.probing adjective:
• probing questionsprobingly adverb

3- reckless :
not caring or worrying about danger or about the bad results of your behavior:
• reckless spending
• The driver was arrested for reckless driving.
recklessly adverb
recklessness noun [U]

4- recollection:
1 [U] an act of remembering something, especially something you try hard to remember:
• The driver said she had no recollection of what had happened.
• To the best of my recollection, (= used when you remember something, but cannot be sure that it is correct) they have never asked us for any money.

2 [C] something from the past that you remember:
• She knew her father only through photographs and her mother's recollections.

5- reluctant:
slow and unwilling:
• She gave a reluctant smile. [reluctant to do sth]:
• At first, the bank was reluctant to lend me the money.

reluctance noun [singular,U]
reluctantly adverb

6- indite:

7- prudent:
sensible and careful, especially by trying to avoid unnecessary risks:
• prudent house buyers
• It is prudent to give children only pasteurized milk and juices, to avoid food poisoning.
--opposite IMPRUDENT
prudently adverb

8- quast:
noun [C]
ESPECIALLY LITERARY a long search for something:
• a spiritual quest [+ for]:
• Industries are still engaged in a quest for increased productivity.

quest verb [I]

9- ramble:
verb [I]
1 to talk for a long time in a way that does not seem to be clearly organized, with the result that other people find it hard to understand you:
• Dean Wilford tends to ramble when he speaks.2 [always + adv./prep.] to go on a walk for pleasure:
• We spent three wonderful days rambling around Palermo.3 a plant that rambles grows in all directions
ramble on phrasal verb [I]
to talk or write for a long time in a way that other people find boring:
• She rambled on but Anastasia was not listening.
• He had been rambling on about himself for over an hour.

noun [C]
1 a long walk for pleasure:
• My favorite ramble is the nine-mile hike to West Potrero Road.2 a speech or piece of writing that is very long and does not seem to be clearly organized:
• In a ten-page ramble, Barre explains why he wrote the book.

10- remnant:
noun [C]
1 [usually plural] a small part of something that remains after the rest of it has been used, destroyed, or eaten [+ of]:
• Burning cinders showered down from the remnants of the roof.2 a small piece of cloth left from a larger piece and sold for a cheaper price

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