Friday, December 09, 2005

Shopping in America

Shopping in America

Conversation A:


Conversation A is a typical conversation about shopping in the United States. Masahiro is an international student who has just arrived from Japan, and Anna and Will are introducing him to the shopping scenario in America.

Listen to Conversation A

Anna: As I was telling you, Masa, where you shop depends largely on what you need. So, if you want to buy an answering machine or a CD-player, your best bet would probably be an appliance store such as Radio Shack..

Will: Yup! Or Circuit City. I like Best Buy the best, though.

Masahiro: Why?

Will: Coz they usually have the best deals. They have sales on their TVs and CD-players every once in a while.

Anna: Hum. I'll bet they send you their glossy ads loaded with so-called "SALES"!

Masahiro: (laughs)

Anna: Well, I still think the CD-player I bought from them was a rip off.

Will: I'll admit some of their items are high-priced, but at least the shopper's guaranteed quality. There are very few places that have such a wide selection.

Masahiro: I need to buy disks, at least two disk holders, note cards, transparencies, and that kind of stuff.

Will: For office supplies, I suggest Office Max.

Anna: Or Comp USA. One good thing about living in a campus town, though, is that you can easily get that stuff at any of the bookstores. No doubt they do overcharge. I try to get around that by shopping around.

Masahiro: Shopping around?

Anna: Yes. That simply means you go to different stores, check out the prices of items you need and purchase them from the store(s) with the lowest price or prices.

Masahiro: I see. Sounds very practical.

Will: And time-consuming, too!

Masahiro: Where is Office Max located?

Anna: There's one in the mall, so we can stop by there this afternoon.

Masahiro: Great! Thanks.

Will: Hey, Masa. Just so you know, you can always run to the discount stores whenever you're out of something you need right away. There are several around campus.

Anna: That's right. And they carry pretty much everything a student needs. Pop, pasta, eggs, hair spray . . . you name it!

Will: They don't usually carry milk, though, so you might want to walk down to White Hen (Pantry), Walgreens, or some other convenience stores close by.

Anna: I wouldn't advise you to buy things in bulk from such stores, though. I mean, do your major shopping at the specialized stores. It's much cheaper, and more convenient in the long run.

Masahiro: Good advice!

Will: Sort of like Mom's!

Anna: Hey, watch it!

Will: Just kiddin'!

Masahiro (laughs). Life sounds great in this town! Oh! Before I forget, guys, where can I rent movies? I love watching movies in my spare time.

Anna: Me too! Let's see. There are two video stores close to your apartment. Lucky you! One's Blockbuster, and the other's That's Rentertainment. I believe they both have specials on weekdays, right Will?

Will: Yup. But not for the new releases. It's usually a buck each for the older movies.

Anna: Are you guys ready to go to the mall?

Masahiro & Will: Sure.

Anna: Masa, don't forget to take your shopping list with you.

Masahiro: Thanks for reminding me.

Anna: You're welcome. What are we waiting for? Let's go.

New Words and Expressions

Definitions of the Underlined Words and Expressions:

1 Your best bet is a commonly used idiom which refers to the best possible choice or option available. In Conversation A, it refers to the most suitable store for appliances, in Anna's opinion.

2 The best deals is a frequently used shopping-related expression that refers to items for sale at bargain prices (i.e., cheap). Sometimes, "good deals" or "a real steal/What a steal" are used instead.

3 Glossy ads are colorful advertisement pamphlets or catalogs (on rich/glossy paper) that entice shoppers and usually encourage them to be "smart shoppers" or people who look for "good deals" or "sales."

4 A rip off is another frequently employed shopping-related expression used by shoppers who feel that they have been cheated. It is generally the case that the item purchased was overpriced (i.e., too costly) when it was bought.

5 Items that are high-priced are very expensive.

6 A wide selection refers to a wide array of items (e.g., models of VCRs, TVs, microwaves, walkmans, etc., depending on the store in question).

7 Stuff is a "safe" word that can be used to refer to anything the speaker intends it to refer to. Often, it is used when a speaker cannot recall the names of things s/he wants to refer to, and when s/he wishes to avoid having to mention what may appear to be an endless list.

8 Stores are known to carry items. In other words, they have the items they "carry." However, stores could be "out" of certain items (when their supplies have been exhausted).

9 Convenience stores, as the name suggests, are stores that carry basic necessities such as bread, milk, eggs, soft drinks, tooth paste, newspapers, magazines, and so on. They are usually conveniently located (in small towns, suburbs, and big cities) which also accounts for the name.

10 In bulk is a shopping-related idiom that is used to refer to items purchased in large quantities. Such supplies are cheaper and last longer. Generally, families shop in bulk for items such as sugar, rice, candy, canned products, etc. However, perishable products (such as vegetables) are rarely purchased in bulk. Instead, they are usually purchased on a daily or weekly basis. Specialized stores are stores that sell particular things. In other words, they specialize in the sale of particular products (e.g., grocery stores sell groceries, hardware stores sell hardware products such as nuts and bolts, paint, nails, hammers, etc.)

11 Specials refer to discount deals/prices. In Conversation A, they refer to discount video rental rates.

12 A buck each refers to a dollar per item in question (video tapes in Conversation A)

13 A shopping list is a handy list of items a shopper intends to buy. Most Americans draw up shopping lists before they go shopping. Such a list makes shopping easier, as the shopper consults it while shopping, and that way, does not forget to buy what s/he needs.

Shopping in America

Conversation B

(At the mall)

Listen to Conversation B

Anna: Here we are, guys, I'm going to stop by Bergner's first. I might just get lucky today. Who knows, some of their dresses might be on SALE.


Will: It's a fairly well-known department store. Sort of like Penny's. They've got some quality stuff. Wanna check it out?

Masahiro: Why not.

Anna: I need to get something for Lisa's birthday. She's into name brands. Any suggestions?

Will: A Gucci handbag or Calvin Klein T-shirt might be nice. Designer perfume is another option. Which reminds me! I have a 15% discount coupon for Lerner's and Penny's. I hardly ever shop at Lerner's, as I'm not that big on women's clothing. And I rarely shop at Penny's, so go ahead and use the coupons if you can. Here they are (handing them over).

Anna: Thanks a lot, Will. That's really very thoughtful of you.

Will: My pleasure, Ma'am!

Anna: Oh no! I was supposed to give Liz a buzz an hour ago! Hope I have a quarter (checks her purse).

Will: Need a nickle?

Anna: Actually, I don't have anything but pennies in change. Does any of you have a dollar in change?

Masahiro: Sorry, I don't, but I do have 35 cents on me. Will that be okay for the phone call?

Anna: Great! I really appreciate it. I'll make it quick. Do you guys want to go ahead?

Masahiro: We'll wait.

Will: Just don't forget us.

Anna: I won't. Why don't we just meet here in 30 minutes?

Will: Sounds good. I guess I'll just look around.

Salesperson: Can I help you, Sir?

Will: No thanks, I'm just looking. Well, just out of curiosity, how much is that necklace?

Salesperson: Twenty-nine, ninty nine.

Will: Really! My sister's birthday is tomorrow. She loves jewellry. I just wasn't sure I could afford it.

Saleperson: You'll find that a lot of our stuff is amazingly affordable.

Will: Well, that's certainly nice to know. I'll take it.

Saleperson: It's a good choice. I'm sure she'll love it.

Will: Let's hope so.

Salesperson: Cash or charge, Sir?

Will: Charge, please. Do you accept Discover?

Salesperson: Yes, we do.

Will: Great.

Salesperson: That comes to thirty one, ninty-nine with tax (handing him the charge sheet). Please sign next to the "X."

[Meanwhile, in another section of the store]

Salesperson: Do you need some help, Sir?

Masahiro: Well, I'm looking for . . . let's see. I've forgotten the name again! It's used to make fresh coffee.

Salesperson: A coffee maker?

Masahiro: That's right.

Salesperson: Well, we have a few in kitchenware, which is upstairs.

Masahiro: Thank you.

Salesperson: You're welcome.

[minutes later]

Anna: Oh, there you are, Masa! What did you get?

Masahiro: Just a simple coffee maker.

Anna: Good choice. And you, Will? Find anything interesting?

Will: A necklace for Stephanie's birthday.

Anna: Lucky her!

Will: Did you get anything?

Just a couple of silly earrings that I liked. I hope I wear 'em! I did a lot of window shopping.

Will: That can't hurt.

Anna: True. Well, do you guys need anything else from this place?

Masa: One last thing. Oh no! I've forgotten what you call it?

Will: Just describe it and we'll probably figure out what it's called.

Masa: It's a crystal container for flowers with long stems. I need to get one for my Mom.

Anna: Oh! A VASE!

Masa: That's it!

Anna: They should have a bunch in giftware.

Will: Let's go get one.

Anna: I'm going to have to stop by Jewel on my way home. Is that okay with you guys? I'm almost completely out of groceries.

Will: No problems. I could pick up a couple of things, too.

Shopping in America

Conversation C

Complaining about Some Purchases

Listen to the Conversation C

[Three weeks after Anna, Will, and Masahiro went to the mall]

Anna: Hi Masahiro! How's it going?

Masahiro: Fine, I guess. How about you?

Anna: Busy. Guess who's coming our way?

Will: Hi guys! What's up?

Anna: Nothing much. We just ran into each other.

Will: That's nice. So Masahiro, how's the coffee maker working?

Masahiro: Actually, it doesn't work well. It was a waste of money. I guess I should have shopped around for a good one.

Anna: Why don't you take it back?

Masahiro: I'd like to, but I've misplaced the receipt.

Will: Well, if it's any consolation, my shopping wasn't all that great either. I wish I'd never bought Stephanie a necklace. Just last night she was telling me how she wished she had Liz Taylor's new perfume.

Anna: That makes three displeased shoppers. Guess what? The camera I bought and shipped to Mike just this morning is now on sale! It's a pity that I bought it then. Then again, I guess I shouldn't complain. It was a good buy, even though I didn't get the best deal on it. Anyway, Masahiro, I suggest you look for that receipt and just go to the Complaints Department and say "I'd like to exchange this, please." It's as simple as that. And Will, it's not too late for you to ask for a refund.

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