Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Garden idioms:

1-Never let the ......... grow under your feet.

(a) weeds
(b) grass
(c) flowers
(d) bulbs

2-The grass is always ......... on the other side.

(a) blacker
(b) further
(c) greener
(d) longer

3-Everything is coming up ..........

(a) roses
(b) daisies
(c) tulips
(d) lilies

4-Poor Mary was a bit of a ......... at the dance.

(a) cornflower
(b) cauliflower
(c) wallflower
(d) wildflower

5-He led her up the garden ..........

(a) path
(b) lane
(c) street
(d) road

6-Everything in the ......... is lovely.

(a) roses
(b) flowers
(c) grass
(d) garden

7-Money doesn't grow on ..........

(a) plants
(b) bulbs
(c) trees
(d) bushes

8-A bird in the hands is worth ......... in the bush.

(a) four
(b) three
(c) two
(d) one

9-Come to the point and stop beating about the ..........

(a) tree
(b) flower
(c) hedge
(d) bush

10-Don't trust him, he's a bit of a snake in the ..........

(a) grass
(b) flowers
(c) plants
(d) weeds

Correct Answer?

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