Idiom: Be broke
Be broke: idiom,
Without money, If you are broke, you don't have money.
I can't even buy a bottle of water, I am so broke!
Any new language is a new life. By:Mj.Shakibi
Be broke: idiom,
Without money, If you are broke, you don't have money.
I can't even buy a bottle of water, I am so broke!
Posted by
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Labels: Idioms
Posted by
Friday, February 26, 2010
Labels: Words
Posted by
Friday, February 26, 2010
1 | I dislike to the movies by myself. | |
2 | We started dinner without you. | |
3 | I can't imagine my own house. | |
4 | I used that television show all of the time. | |
5 | I always eat breakfast before to school. | |
6 | When do you practise the piano? | |
7 | My grandmother prefers science fiction books. | |
8 | You need harder this year. | |
9 | I am used to her in a bad mood. | |
10 | Have you talked to the dentist about your teeth? |
Posted by
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A figure is worth a thousand words | ||
(A picture is worth a thousand words) |
Figurative language: One meaning of "figure" is "drawing" or "image" or "picture". Figurative language creates figures (pictures) in the mind of the reader or listener. These pictures help convey the meaning faster and more vividly than words alone. |
Simile | pronounced: SIM-i-lee |
It's been a hard day's night, and I've been working like a dog | ||
The Beatles |
[is] AS adjective AS something | meaning |
as blind as a bat | completely blind |
as cold as ice | very cold |
as flat as a pancake | completely flat |
as gentle as a lamb | very gentle |
as light as a feather | very light |
as old as the hills | very old |
as sharp as a knife | very sharp |
as strong as a bull | very strong |
as white as snow | pure white |
as wise as an owl | very wise |
Longer list of AS...AS similes | |
[is] LIKE something | possible meaning (depending on context) |
like a rose | beautiful |
like a volcano | explosive |
like garbage | disgusting |
like an animal | inhuman |
like spaghetti | entangled |
like dewdrops | sweet and pure |
like golddust | precious |
like a tip | very untidy (tip = garbage dump) |
like a dream | wonderful, incredible |
like stars | bright and beautiful |
[does] LIKE something | meaning |
to drink like a fish | to drink a lot |
to eat like a bird | to eat very little |
to eat like a horse | to eat a lot |
to eat like a pig | to eat impolitely |
to fight like cats and dogs | to fight fiercely |
to sing like an angel | to sing beautifully |
to sleep like a log | to sleep well and soundly |
to smoke like a chimney | to smoke heavily, all the time |
to soar like an eagle | to fly high and free |
to work like a dog | to work very hard |
Metaphor | pronounced: MET-uh-for |
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players They have their exits and their entrances | ||
William Shakespeare |
The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees,
The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,
And the highwayman came riding--
The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door.
Metaphor example | Metaphorical sense | Original sense |
I'm not an angel, but I wouldn't behave like that. | exemplary person | a spiritual being believed to be a messenger of God |
America is a melting pot. | place where different peoples, styles and cultures are mixed together | a container in which metals or other materials are melted and mixed |
John is a real pigwhen he eats. | greedy person | a four-legged animal kept for meat (pork) |
My father is a rock. | very strong or reliable person | a hard, mineral material made of stone |
How could she marry a snake like that! | traitor | a long, limbless reptile (eg: cobra, python, viper) |
The policeman let him off with a yellow card. | warning | (in soccer) a yellow card that the referee shows to players when cautioning them |
Metaphor example | Original sense of the word (example) |
The committee shot her ideas down one by one. | Anti-aircraft guns shoot down planes. |
The private detective dug up enough evidence to convince the police to act. | Dogs like to bury bones and dig them up later. |
He broke into her conversation. | Burglars break into buildings. |
The new movie was very popular. Peopleflocked to see it. | Birds flock together before they migrate. |
His head was spinning with ideas. | Some computer hard drives spin at over 10,000 revolutions per minute. |
Reading that book kindled my interest in politics. | You need to start with twigs and small branches when you kindle a camp fire. |
Tim lost his job after a heated argument with his boss. | We have a heated swimming pool. |
The new car's sexy design increased sales for the company. | Some women think that lipstick makes them look sexy. |
He was dressed rather vulgarly in a loudchecked suit. | I can't hear you because the radio is too loud. |
It wasn't long before their relationship turnedsour. | Sour food has an acid taste like lemon or vinegar. |
simile | metaphor |
Your eyes are like the sun. | You are my sunshine. |
He eats like a pig. He lives like a pig. | He is a pig. |
Hyperbole | pronounced: hy-PER-buh-lee |
Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred, Then another thousand, then a second hundred, Then still another thousand, then a hundred | ||
Catullus |
Oxymoron | pronounced: ox-ee-MOR-on plural: oxymora, oxymorons |
So fair and foul a day I have not seen! | ||
William Shakespeare |
Posted by
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Labels: Speaking
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Labels: Slang
1 add v. to put one number together with another [eg: 2 plus 2] - addition n. 2 billion n. 1,000,000,000; one thousand million; 109 3 divide v. 2 ÷ 2 [is expressed as] two divided by two - division n. 4 equal v. to be the same as [eg: 2 + 2 equals 4] 5 giga one billion 6 hundred n. 100; 102 7 kilo one thousand - k, K abbr. 8 mega one million - M abbr. 9 million n. 1,000,000; one thousand thousand; 106 10 minus p. 2 - 2 [is expressed as] two minus two 11 multiply v. 2 x 2 [is expressed as] two multiplied by two - multiplication n. 12 plus p. 2 + 2 [is expressed as] two plus two 13 square v. to multiply a number by the same number [eg: 3 squared = 9] 14 square root n. number that multiplied by itself gives a certain number [3 is the square root of 9] 15 subtract v. to deduct one number from another [eg: 2 minus 2] - subtraction n. 16 thousand n. 1,000; 103 17 times p. 2 x 2 [is expressed as] two times two - see multiply 18 to the power of multiplication of a number by itself [eg: 2 to the power of 3 = 8] 19 trillion n.1,000,000,000,000; a million million; 1012 20 zero n. 0; oh; nought
Posted by
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Labels: Words
orange peel
Peel the oranges with a sharp knife to remove all pith.
grated lemon rind
grated orange zest
Posted by
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Labels: Words