Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Word:Part of Fruit



mel‧on [uncountable and countable]

a large round fruit with sweet juicy flesh

shell [countable]



a) the hard outer part that covers and protects an egg, nut, or seed:
  • Never buy eggs with cracked shells.
  • peanuts roasted in their shells
b) the hard protective covering of an animal such as a snail, mussel, or crab:
  • a snail shell
  • The children were collecting shells on the beach.


 [uncountable] noun the soft inside part of a fruit or vegetable:

  • Halve the melon and scoop out the pulp.

1 [transitive] to remove the skin from fruit or vegetables:
Peel and dice the potatoes.

peel [uncountable and countable]
the skin of some fruits and vegetables, especially the thick skin of fruits such as oranges, which you do not eat[↪ rindzest]:
orange peel

pith [uncountable]
1 a white substance just under the outside skin of oranges and similar fruit:
Peel the oranges with a sharp knife to remove all pith.

seg‧ment [countable]
2 a part of a fruit, flower, or insect that it naturally divides into:
Decorate with orange segments.
rind [uncountable and countable]
1 the thick outer skin of some types of fruit, such as oranges [↪ peelzest]:
grated lemon rind
2 the thick outer skin of some foods, such as bacon or cheese
3 [uncountable] the outer skin of an orange or lemon, used in cooking [↪ peel,rind]:
grated orange zest

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