Wednesday, February 24, 2010



1addv. to put one number together with another [eg: 2 plus 2] - addition n.
2billionn. 1,000,000,000; one thousand million; 109
3dividev. 2 ÷ 2 [is expressed as] two divided by two - division n.
4equalv. to be the same as [eg: 2 + 2 equals 4]
5gigaone billion
6hundredn. 100; 102
7kiloone thousand - k, K abbr.
8megaone million - M abbr.
9millionn. 1,000,000; one thousand thousand; 106
10minusp. 2 - 2 [is expressed as] two minus two
11multiplyv. 2 x 2 [is expressed as] two multiplied by two - multiplication n.
12plusp. 2 + 2 [is expressed as] two plus two
13squarev. to multiply a number by the same number [eg: 3 squared = 9]
14square rootn. number that multiplied by itself gives a certain number [3 is the square root of 9]
15subtractv. to deduct one number from another [eg: 2 minus 2] - subtraction n.
16thousandn. 1,000; 103
17timesp. 2 x 2 [is expressed as] two times two - see multiply
18to the power ofmultiplication of a number by itself [eg: 2 to the power of 3 = 8]
19trillionn.1,000,000,000,000; a million million; 1012
20zeron. 0; oh; nought

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