Saturday, January 08, 2005

Word & verb for disease

spread disease:
cause other people to become infected
catching disease:
to get a disease or illness:
• Kristen has the flu, so I guess we'll all catch it.
• Dion caught a cold on vacation. [catch sth from sb]:
• The vet says you can't catch the disease from the cat.
connected disease:
she became infected with the disease
She contracted the fatal disease (= she became infected with the disease)through a blood transfusion
infection /contagious /communicable disease :
disease that is passed from one person to another
illness /disease /sickness :
can be used about the general state of being sick: Janey missed a lot of school because of illness. Diseases have medical names and must usually be cured before you are well again: a kidney disease
a sexually transmitted disease
Alzheimer's disease. However you would usually talk about mental illness or a terminal/critical illness. A sickness is often a less serious type of illness and may go away by itself: motion sickness
runny nose:
a runny nose, runny eyes etc. have liquid coming out of them, usually because you have a cold
• Robin has a sore throat and a runny nose
sb's nose is running if someone's nose is running, liquid is slowly coming out of it
call nose:??

stuffy nose:

unable to breath easily through your nose because you have a cold
smell /sniff :
smell= the quality that people and animals recognize by using their nose:
• Each wine has its own unique flavor and smell.
• Perfectly pure water has no smell. [+ of]:
• The smell of baking bread filled the whole house. --compare AROMA, FRAGRANCE, SCENT1
sniff= to breathe air in through your nose in order to smell something:
• He opened the milk and sniffed it.
• Customs officers used drug-sniffing dogs to find 26 pounds of marijuana hidden in suitcases. [+ at]:
• Rex, the dog, was sniffing at the carpet.
to sniff repeatedly to stop liquid from running out of your nose, especially when you are crying or when you are sick
have the sniffles= to have a slight cold
catch cold:
sniff at sth:
to refuse something in a proud way, or to think that something is not good enough for you:
• Veteran audio fans may sniff at such ready-made stereo packages.
sneeze: to have a sudden uncontrolled burst of air come out of your nose and mouth, for example when you have a cold
1 a physical condition which shows that you have a particular illness:
• The tablets help relieve cold symptoms. [+ of]:
• Common symptoms of diabetes are weight loss and fatigue.
2 a sign that a serious problem exists [+ of]:
• The disappearance of jobs is a symptom of a deeper socioeconomic change.
an illness or a medical condition in which you have a very high temperature:
• She's running a fever (= has a fever).
• a high/low/slight fever: The illness begins with a high fever, followed by a rash. --see also HAY FEVER, SCARLET FEVER, YELLOW FEVER
to have /burning a temperature: to have a body temperature that is higher than normal, especially because you are sick
: having a feeling of not being able to balance, especially after spinning around or because you feel sick:
• The thin mountain air made Trautmann feel dizzy.
• She suffers from high blood pressure
dizzy spells: short periods when you feel dizzy
vertigo : a sick DIZZY feeling, often caused by looking down from a very high place or by too much movement around you
I feel sick = bring off= to feel as if you are going to VOMIT:
• I felt sick after I ate all that candy
Vomit: to bring food or drink up from your stomach out through your mouth, because you are sick Barf=vomit= puke
Puke= food brought back up from your stomach through your mouth; VOMIT2
Barfly : someone who spends a lot of time in bars
Puke up :
INFORMAL to bring food back up from your stomach through your mouth; VOMIT:
• I feel like I'm going to puke again.
Zit =pimple
Pimple: a small raised red spot on your skin, especially on your face
Goose-bumbs: GOOSE PIMPLES
Goose pimple: a condition in which your skin is raised up in small points because you are cold, afraid or excited
Ulcer : a sore area on your skin or inside your body that may BLEED or produce poisonous substances:
• a stomach ulcer
ulcerous adjective
Stomach ulcer:
Ulcerate : to form an ulcer, or become covered with ulcers
Sore: a part of your body that is sore is painful and often red because of a wound or infection, or because you have used a muscle too much:
• My legs are still sore today.
• Val woke up with a sore throat and a temperature of 102°.
Acute disease: very serious or severe:
Acute care: medical care for people with severe injuries or illnesses that need help urgently
The mumps: an infectious illness in which your throat swells and becomes painful
Rash : a lot of red spots on someone's skin, caused by an illness or an ALLERGY:
Symptoms include high fever and a rash.
My mother break out in rash if she eats seafood.
Outbreak: the sudden appearance or start of war, fighting, or serious disease:
• a cholera outbreak [+ of]:
• the outbreak of World War II --see also break out (BREAK1)

Outbreak of the flu / disease / chickenspot
Flu: a common infectious disease that makes your throat sore, makes it difficult for you to breathe, gives you a fever, and makes you feel very tired; INFLUENZA:
• Flu shots are recommended for people 55 and older.
• Arlene has the flu.
• Glen is home sick with the flu.
Pass on:
a) to infect someone with an illness that you have:
• I don't want to pass on my cold to the baby, so I'd better not get too close.
• The virus can be passed on during unprotected sex.
b) to give something, especially a disease, to your children through your GENEs
Mizel:red spot on children
Rubella= german measles= an infectious disease that causes red spots on your body, and can damage an unborn child; GERMAN MEASLES
Pocked: covered with small holes or marks:
• the meteor-pocked surface of the moon
1 an extinct animal, plant, language etc. does not exist anymore:
• Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.
2 an extinct VOLCANO does not ERUPT anymore

Shot: an amount of a medicine that is put into your body with a needle, or the act of doing this:
• You should have a tetanus shot every ten years or so.
A doctor give me a shot:

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