Friday, February 17, 2006

Confusing words

Choose the correct "confusing" word from the pair to complete the sentence.

1-The --audience(audience / spectators) applauded enthusiastically after the performance was finished.

2-I haven't seen him --for(since / for) over five years.

3- --Besides(Besides / Beside) the fact that it was difficult, the exam also included questions that we had never studied before.

4-I told my boss that I wanted a big --raise(rise / raise).

5-The article's --headline(title / headline) read "Politician Wants Answers".

6-His opinion had no --effect(effect / affect) on my decision.

7-He --lay(lay / lie) down for a short nap.

8-Could you give me the --recipe(receipt / recipe) for that wonderful dessert?

9-They --inspected(controlled / inspected) his passport on entering the country.

10-Please finish your work --by(by / until) five o'clock.

11-He was cooking dinner --during(while / during) the football match.

12-Could you go the store and get me some --stationery(stationary / stationery)?

13-I need to --sew(sow / sew) a new button onto my shirt.

14-You will find the book --beside(beside / besides) the lamp on the table.

15-You can choose from --among(between / among) four prizes!

16-It's so hot! I need to find some --shade(shadow / shade).

17- --Despite(Although / Despite) his having studied French, he found the course very difficult.

18-The movie was --so(such / so) boring he fell asleep!

19-Try to use your --imagination(phantasy / imagination) when answering this question.

20-I --wondered(wandered / wondered) about how my friend was doing in Rotterdam.

21-He should be arriving --shortly(briefly / shortly).

22-They went to a basketball --game(play / game) on Saturday night.

23-Unfortunately, unemployment is on the --rise(rise / raise) again.

24-I wasn't able to do any work because of the --continuous(continual / continuous) interruptions.

25-You can't wear those trousers! There are --crinkled(creased / crinkled).
26-Did Henry Ford --invent(invent / discover) the car?

27-The car needs to have its --brakes(breaks / brakes) repaired.

28- --As far as(As long as / As far as) I'm concerned, you can come along.

29- --Although(Despite / Although) he was reluctant to help, he finally lent a helping hand.

30- The --principal(principle / principal) of the school welcomed the new students to classes.

31-Olympia is the --capital(capital, capitol) of Washington State.

32-That painting by Picasso is --priceless(worthless / priceless).

33-Have you decided --whether(weather / whether) you would like to come?

34-You shouldn't leave litter --lying(laying /lying) on the ground.

35-I spent my evening --watching(looking at / watching) television.

36-The political situation is --currently(actually / currently) very unstable.

37-Art --criticism(objection / criticism) is a very subjective matter.

38-The car tried to --overtake(overcome / overtake) the bus on the freeway.

39-You will just have to --accept(except / accept) his decision.

40-Could you wait a moment? I would like stop --to telephone(to telephone / telephoning) my mother.

41-Could you give me some --advice(advice / advise) on this problem?

42-Please --remind(remember / remind) me to pick up some bread at the market.

43-John --lent(borrowed / lent) me $50 until next Monday.

44-He --told(said / told) us about his trip to Chicago.

45-His help with the contract was --invaluable(invaluable / valueless).

46-He is a very --sensitive(sensible / sensitive) person. He always has time to listen to people's problems.

47-Jack went to the library to --borrow(lend / borrow) the latest Stephen King novel.

48-Mary --assured(assured / ensured) us we had made a good decision.

49-He --laid(laid / lay) the book on the table.

50-Unfortunately, he made quite a serious --mistake(fault / mistake) while working on the plumbing.

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