Wednesday, February 22, 2006

How do we move our body? #4

verbs in its correct place in the sentences below.

punch, grope, grab, stretch, pat, slap, squeeze, nudge, beckon, pet

After driving a long distance, I like to get out and --stretch my arms and legs.
If he says that again, I'll --punch him in the nose.
when Katherine was small, I often --patted her on the head when she smiled at me.
She loved dogs, and always used to stop and --pet any dog that would let her.
Hurry up! --Grab your things and let's get out of here!
She wasn't slim enough to --squeeze between the two tables.
The lights went out and I had to --grope in front of me to find the matches to light a candle.
Tom went to sleep during the meeting and I had to --nudge him with my elbow to wake him.
When it's your turn to have your passport checked, the customs officer will --beckon you to come forward.

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