Friday, February 10, 2006

Personality Factor 4:

Answer the questions quickly and without reflection; give your immediate reaction to the question. If your answer is yes, simply write a Y on your paper. If the answer is no, write an N. If you are in doubt or hesitant, write a ?

1) Do you prefer your life to be full of changes?

2) Are you an ambitious person?

3) “Politicians are generally sincere and do their best for the country.” Do you think this is so?

4) When doing things, do you choose to hide from others the motives behind them?

5) Rather than dream of success, do you work hard to achieve it?

6) Would you rather be alive and a coward than dead and a hero?

7) Would you be more upset by the loss of material things than be hearing of a friends illness?

8) Do you get your way without regard for other people’s feelings?

9) Do you feel vengeful is a person hurts you?

10) Do you worry about work while on holiday?

11) Do you compare your performance with that of other colleagues?

12) When you get into a heated discussion, do you find it difficult to calm down and stop?

13) Are romantic stories among your reading material?

14) Do you take short-cuts in order to work fast?

15) Do you set your goals too low because you are afraid of failure?

16) If given the chance, would you like to witness an execution?

17) Are you cool-minded in dealing with people?

18) Do you prepare thoroughly for tests?

19) Do you sometimes tell white lies?

20) Do you enjoy dancing?

21) If somebody sat in front of you and obstructed your view with a hat, would you ask them to remove it?

22) Would you enjoy travelling at 150mph in a racing car?

23) Did you prefer English literature to science at school?

24) Do you think that most politicians are dishonest?

25) Do you hold stronger opinions than most people?

26) Do you flatter people so that you can improve your status in life?

27) Did you always do as you were told when you were young?

28) Did you enjoy playing with guns as a child?

29) Would you rather be a dentist than a dress designer?

30) Do you place achievement among the most important things in life?

31) Do you work hard to get ahead?

32) Do you stand on an escalator rather than walk on it?

33) Would you feel it best not to respond if a person is rude to you?

34) Do you prefer climates of even temperature?

35) Would you ask someone to stop smoking in your presence?

36) Do you like watching aggressive sports on television>

37) Is love more important than success?

38) If you were standing in a queue, would you react if a person went to the front out of turn?

39) Have you ever felt the urge to kill someone?

40) If you were on a committee, would you be in charge?

41) If you disapproved of a friend’s behaviour, would you make them aware of your feelings?

42) Would you take any drugs that cause hallucinations?

43) Do you try new innovations rather than stick to tested methods?

44) Do you get so angry with people that you shout at them?

45) Do you make a creative contribution to society?

46) Do you enjoy what you do at work?

47) DO you see the world in grey rather than black and white?

48) Do you hesitate to ask strangers questions?

49) Do you crave excitement?

50) Do you believe that there are better reasons for marriage than love?

51) Would you travel to a different part of the world to live?

52) Do you socialise with people who can help you?

53) Would you consider it too dangerous to go mountain climbing?

54) Do you win people over by telling them what they want to hear?

55) Do you prefer not to sit in a conspicuous place in a lecture room?

56) Do you know the difference between right and wrong?

57) Do you prefer ordinary sex?

58) Do you try to shock people?

59) Do you believe in “every man for himself?”

60) Do you agree that “fools and their money are soon parted?”

61) Do you like buying things?

62) Does other people’s ignorance appal you?

63) Do you take care of things today rather than leave them until tomorrow?

64) Would you like to learn to be a pilot?

65) Do you have a burning ambition to be of great importance in the community?

66) Do you watch pornographic videos?

67) Do you dislike foreigners?

68) When reading newspaper reports, do you get annoyed at what some politicians say?

69) DO you advocate force where necessary?

70) Do you draw in children’s drawing books?

71) Do you enjoy physical activity of a rough nature?

72) Do you feel sorry for injured birds?

73) When you are working, can you listen to people at the same time?

74) Are you inclined to be lazy?

75) Have you ever modelled yourself on somebody?

76) Do you take excessive pride in your work?

77) Do you avoid disaster scenes on television?

78) Can you persuade people?

79) Are you a leader in a group of people?

80) Do you give the real reason when asking somebody to do something for you?

81) Do you think that most people are good?

82) Are you a natural organiser?

83) Do you think before you speak?

84) Do you dislike snakes?

85) Do you sometimes have cruel fantasies?

86) Do you believe that people with extreme political views should inflict their opinions on others?

87) Do you believe that all religions are basically the same?

88) Is it essential that you succeed in life?

89) Do you concentrate on one great cause?

90) DO you try to compromise with opponents?

91) Do you get annoyed when people do not admit that they are wrong?

92) Do you always take damaged goods back for exchange?

93) Are you more interested in science than personal relationships?

94) Do you like being the centre of attention?

95) Do you fear boredom?

96) Are you aware of the beauty surrounding you?

97) Would you like to be an astronaut?

98) Do you believe that playing is more important than winning?

99) Do you criticise people who are conceited?

100) Would you go to a wife-swapping party?

101) Are you often furious with other people?

102) Are you drawn to unfortunate people?

103) Do you horse around at the swimming pool?

104) Are you scared of the dark?

105) Do you stare your opinions with vehemence?

106) DO you hurt other people in order to get what you want?

107) Do you thing pacifists are cowards?

108) Do you like spicy food?

109) Are you scared of spiders and worms

110) Do you believe it is always best to be honest?

111) Do you try to understand the other person’s point of view in a conflict?

112) Does it annoy you when experts are proved wrong?

113) Would you like to be a lion hunter?

114) Do you disregard other people’s feelings?

115) Are you often unsure about whom to vote for?

116) Are you easily startled?

117) Would you like to appear on television?

118) Do you like to pick up furry animals?

119) Do you like to take orders?

120) Does your intuition tell you whether a person is trustworthy?

121) Are you easily bored?

122) Do you argue when you know you are wrong?

123) Would you help somebody in need?

124) Do you like practical jokes?

125) Are you satisfied with your salary?

126) Are you slow to trust people?

127) Are you scared of people in authority?

128) Are you emotional when watching a film?

129) Do you prefer Mozart to Wagner?

130) Do you obey signs?

131) Do you think about falling in love?

132) Do you believe that we can learn from other cultures?

133) Do you find it hard to say no to a salesman?

134) Do you get excited when talking about work?

135) Can you make up excuses easily?

136) Do you like a peaceful life?

137) Do you take risks?

138) Do you break dishes when annoyed?

139) Are you jealous of other people’s success?

140) Do you engage in political protest?

141) Do you read science fiction?

142) Do you blame someone else when things go wrong?

143) Do you stay in the background at parties?

144) Do you try to convert others to your religion?

145) Does your work keep you awake at night because you find it so interesting?

146) Does the sight of blood make you feel queasy?

147) Do you scold people who offend you?

148) Do you mix with people who are unpredictable and nonconformist?

149) Do you avoid thrilling rides at the fair?

150) Would you fight for your rights rather than give them up without a struggle?

151) Do you always tell the truth?

152) Do you stop yourself from being lazy?

153) Are you too amenable at work?

154) Do your frequently grind your teeth?

155) Do you sometimes question your own actions?

156) If you are right, do you argue?

157) Does your sympathy lie with the underdog?

158) Do you cry sometimes?

159) Are you regarded as too good-natured?

160) Do you like violent scenes in the cinema or on television?

161) Do you like strong debates?

162) Did you avoid fighting when you were young?

163) Are you a relentless worker?

164) Are you sarcastic?

165) Do you like shooting galleries?

166) Do you relax on holiday and forget about work?

167) Do you enjoy horror films?

168) In an argument, are you firm and forthright?

169) Are you mechanically minded?

170) Do you often change your mind?

171) Do you dislike vulgar jokes?

172) Are you patient?

173) Do you get closely involved with people?

174) Are you mild tempered?

175) Would it be beneficial if we all shared the same ideas and opinions?

176) Do you like war stories?

177) Do you sometimes go through the whole day without achieving anything?

178) Do you watch fight scenes on television?

179) Are you good at bluffing?

180) Are you forgiving to people who have wronged you?

181) Do you always stick to your decision?

182) Are you happy with your government?

183) Do you wish to “better yourself”?

184) Do you believe that a good teacher is one who makes you think, rather than one who only teaches?

185) Do you enjoy watching rough sports?

186) Is your way of tackling problems better than other peoples?

187) Do you complain to the management if the service is bad in a restaurant?

188) Do you pay attention to other people’s viewpoints?

189) Do you like autobiographies?

190) Do you put your interests first?

191) Would you hesitate before shooting a burglar?

192) Do you make friends with people because they can help you?

193) Do you believe there is some truth in everybody’s views?

194) Do you like bustle around you?

195) Do you wish you were more sensitive?

196) Are you sometimes rather irritable?

197) Do you like quiet paintings rather than vivid paintings?

198) Do you lose your temper less often than the average person?>

199) Do you agree rather than argue?

200) When you are angry, do you stamp your feet?

201) Do underwater sports interest you?

202) Do you repeat yourself?

203) Do you enjoy helping other people?

204) Would you like to try skydiving?

205) Are you belligerent?

206) Would you take part in an orgy?

207) Do you socialise with people of other religions?

208) Do you stand up for yourself?

209) Do you sing in a choir?

210) Do you tend to get pushed around?

Now count you’re score by noting the total number of A’s and B’s you have.


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