Saturday, December 30, 2006

Mixed Phrasal Verb

Mixed Phrasal Verbs

  across     along     along     around     down     in     into     off     off     off     on     out     out     out     out     over     over     under     up     up     

1. My job starts at 6:00 AM, so I have to get up really early to make it to work on time.

2. Don't put your homework off until tomorrow. Just do it now and get it over with.

3. James came into a lot of money when his grandfather passed away. He could retire right now if he wanted to.

4. When the alarm went off, everyone proceeded calmly to the emergency exits. The fire chief was very impressed with the organization of the drill.

5. If you have an old blanket, bring it along so that we have something to sit on at the beach.

6. Although the team was both mentally and physically exhausted because they had not slept in almost 48 hours, they kept on walking so they could reach the Ecochallenge finish line before dawn.

7. Hey, check out Tina's new haircut. Doesn't she look great?

8. I don't have time to clean the kitchen right now. Maybe I can get around to it later.

9. Good parents don't put their children down , they give them constructive criticism which helps them to become better people. 10. I love your new outfit. Especially your shirt, it really brings out the color of your eyes.

11. I came across an old picture of Daniel while I was looking through the trunk. It's the one I took when we went camping at the beach.

12. As consumer demand for the product changed and competitors flooded the market, the once highly profitable company finally went under . Even the best businessman cannot keep a company going if nobody buys the product.

13. Look out, there's a rattlesnake under the picnic table!

14. The dealer tried to pass the painting off as an original Van Gogh, but the appraiser immediately recognized it was a fake. 15. The rebels have taken over the capital city and toppled the sitting government. It's looks like the revolution is over and the tiny nation will finally gain its independence.

16. When you are finished using the computer, can you please turn it off.

17. Ever since their big fight last month, John and Deborah haven't been getting along at all. They are constantly arguing with each other.

18. Cheryl was taken in by the con artist at the airport. He stole her passport, her plane ticket and $1500.

19. I am going to accept the research position at the Sorbonne. The pay isn't that great, but there is no way I am going to pass up the opportunity to live in Paris.

20. I can't afford to put out that much money for a new television. I can barely pay my rent!

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