Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Don't let him get your goat

Don't let him get your goat. =Don't let him get you upset.

1-"They gave me a backhanded compliment when they said I was smart for a girl."
Back handed compliment - A compliment that also insults or puts down at the same time.
Back-handed is synonymous with left-handed. For example in tennis, a backhand stroke is a strike by a right-handed player from the left side of the body.
The left side of the body has always been deemed sinister. The Latin word for left is sinister. Hence, back-handed means round-about, indirect, or devious.

2- He is a true workaholic who has misguided priorities, when he wants to blow off some steam he comes to work on Saturday wearing blue jeans.
Blow off some steam= To enjoy oneself by relaxing normal formalities. "Blowing off steam" prevents explosions by relieving the pressure in a boiler by venting excess steam and pressure.
Boilers are commonly used in steam heating systems and steam engines such as those used in a steam locomotive. The boilers contain water that is heated by burning some fuel such as oil. The heated water turns to steam, which is then sent through a system of radiators (in the case of heating systems) or harnessed by a steam engine.
The steam creates considerable pressure in the boiler. If the pressure becomes too great, there is a danger of the boiler exploding. Hence boilers are equipped with safety valves called blow off valves that open if the pressure becomes to great.

3- Do you really want to buy this car or are you just blowing smoke?
Blowing smoke= To be boasting without being able to back it up, talking about action without intent to follow through
Magicians often use smoke in their performance to obscure your view and conceal a bit of trickery.
A person who is "blowing smoke" is tricking you and attempting to cover it up.

4-He'll weasel out. = He'll back out of all agreements.
5- You might as well junk that car, the engine is dead as a door nail.
Dead as a door nail= To be dead, with no chance for recovery.
Nails were once hand tooled and costly. When an aging cabin or barn was torn down the valuable nails would be salvaged so they could be reused in later construction.
When building a door however, carpenters often drove the nail through then bent it over the other end so it couldn't work its way out during the repeated opening and closing of the door. When it came time to salvage the building, these door nails were considered useless, or "dead" because of the way they were bent.

6- You and your father are cut from the same cloth; fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son.
Cut from the same cloth = To be similar, usually in terms of behavior.
If you're making a suit, the jacket and trousers should be cut from the same piece of cloth to ensure a perfect match, since there may be differences in color, weave etc. between batches of fabric. Only if the whole suite is cut from the same piece of cloth can we be sure of the match.
7- It's time to face the music on your donut addiction.
Face the music= To accept the truth.
Comes from the British military. When someone was court marshaled, there would be a military drum squad playing, hence face the music. The term "drummed out of the military" came from this practice....
8- If you choose to live high on the hog, you will be low in the wallet.
High on the hog= Extravagantly.
The best meat is on the upper portion of the pig. Rich people have always been afforded this luxury while the servants, slaves and poor have always had to eat pig's feet, chitterlings, cracklings, etc. - low on the hog.

9-He rolled snake eyes. =His dice had two ones.

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