Wednesday, August 15, 2007


get your act together informal

to organize your activities so that you do things in an effective way  

If these people could ever get their act together, they could produce unbeatable wines.

You'd better get your act together and start looking for a job.

get your hands on sb informal

if you say you will kill someone when you get your hands on them, you mean you will be very angry with them  

You wait till I get my hands on her - I'll kill her!

pour/throw cold water on sth informal

if you pour cold water on opinions or ideas, you criticize them and stop people believing them or being excited about them  

Margaret Thatcher poured cold water on the idea of a European central bank.

sour grapes

if you say that something someone says is sour grapes, you mean that they said it because they are jealous  

I don't think it's such a great job - and that's not just sour grapes because I didn't get it.

clean up your act informal

to stop doing things that other people do not approve of and start to behave in a more acceptable way  

There's a very strong anti-press feeling at the moment. A lot of people think it's time they cleaned up their act.

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